Thursday, 3 October 2013

Easy Peasy

  • The beginnings of "X" can be traced to the mid-1800s in British India, where it was created by British military officers stationed there.
  • "X" is related to a similar game played with a ball which originated in Tamil Nadu, and is similar to Hanetsuki which originated in Japan. 
  • Being particularly popular in the British garrison town Poona (now Pune), the game also came to be known as Poona. 
  • "X" was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and rules were set out.
  • While initiated in England, competitive men's X in Europe has traditionally been dominated by Denmark. Asian nations, however, have been the most dominant ones worldwide. China, Indonesia, South Korea, and Malaysia along with Denmark are among the nations that have consistently produced world-class players in the past few decades, with China being the greatest force in both men's and women's competition in recent years.
Just Id

Answer (highlight to read) :- "X"- Badminton

Karod kasmasate kaale kacchuve

Natkhat - The dog
Santu Singh and Bantu Singh - The Twins
Mallika Castafiore - The Opera Singer
Aryabhatta Suryamukhi - The Eccentric professor 

Are the Characters in the Indian version of which famous series ?

Answer (highlight to read) :- Tintin

Simply Id

Identify the film whose summary is given below :

The movie starts with a brutal murder of a man's wife by a serial killer, In this event the man's son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events the man's son is kidnapped and the dad has to track and chase the kidnapper thousands of miles away with the help of a mentally disabled woman.

Answer (highlight to read) :- Finding Nemo